
Monday, April 1, 2013

Rejected as intern, life goes on

An international humanitarian organization broke my heart today. The confirmation was sent this morning. The message read: "While you were qualified for the internship, we regret to inform you that we have accepted another applicant." I thought I did a good job during the phone interview, but apparently, a company rejected me - for the first time.

Perhaps the post was not really for me. Another applicant did better than I; or maybe they also considered my location. I couldn't blame them if that was the justification: Santa Rosa City is too far from Makati. The interviewer asked this, and she was a bit ambivalent to know that it would take me an hour to commute to their office. Or maybe the successful applicant came from a renowned university in the metro. No, the position was not just for me. I should be happy that at least my resume impressed them.

I asked myself with many questions why I was rejected. I don't know, but I'm not used to it. I should be satisfied and consider this rejection as a learning experience. After all, another company already hired me as their intern. I should understand that no matter what I do, there will always be someone better than me. They rejected me, but I'm not defeated.

"Please do not hesitate to try again should we have openings for internship (or work) in the future."

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